
Did you know: 

  • 16,480 of US children aged birth to 17 years old were hospitalized for traumatic brain injuries in 2018? 

  • Graduation rates for children with disabilities is 17.5% less than the national average? 

  • The National Institute of Health estimates 52% of the houseless population has a brain injury? 

  • There is a 62% unemployment rate for people with brain injuries? 

  • The lifetime cost of care for a person with a severe traumatic brain injury is $600,000-$2,000,000? 

  • Children with a mild TBI experienced a 15-percent increased risk of an emotional or behavioral problem.

Minds in Motion Initiative is working to break down barriers and promote a culture of acceptance and autonomy in our community for people with brain injuries and disorders. To learn more, contact us at the link below.