Meg Snider is the Community Resource Coordinator for Minds in Motion Initiative and joined the team in March of 2022. She spent 13 years as a Neuromuscular Therapy Aide for both Outpatient, Inpatient, and Pediatric Rehabilitation. Meg has facilitated the Salem Brain Injury Support Group since 2009 and continues to support the group as part of Minds in Motion Initiative and our community. Her passion for brain injury grew from witnessing the brain’s ability to rebuild and strengthen when support and rehabilitation are present. She is excited to work with and for people in our community to live the way they choose through acceptance, support, autonomy, and empowerment. Meg enjoys camping, a really good cup of coffee, outreach, and spending time with her kids, grandson, friends.

What matters most to Meg? 

To understand people where they’re at without judgment, to learn their interests, and to help them find a reason to get up in the morning. To help people connect and build relationships to bring belonging and purpose to their lives.